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Bloghunch Review: Is it worth it?

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial. Whether you're a blogger, content creator, business owner, or online course creator, establishing yourself in the vast online landscape is essential for success. That's where BlogHunch comes in. This all-in-one, no-code solution offers a range of features designed to help you maximize your online presence and take your digital journey to new heights.


When it comes to blogging, having a user-friendly interface is crucial. It allows you to focus on what really matters - creating, managing, and publishing your content. That's where Blog Hunch comes in. With its intuitive platform, you can easily bring your ideas to life, whether it's through blog posts, pages, ebooks, or newsletters, sell digital products like courses, and collect email subscribers. With features such as limitless content hosting, customizable branding, and various pricing plans, BlogHunch aims to simplify the process of transforming creative ideas into profitable ventures.



With BlogHunch, you have the power to create stunning websites effortlessly. Its code-free website builder simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your content. You don't need any coding experience to get started; BlogHunch provides an intuitive interface that guides you through the website creation process step by step.


Best Bloghunch features:


BlogHunch offers a range of powerful features that make it an exceptional platform for creators. Some of its best features include:


Organize and Showcase Your Content:


One of the standout features of Blog Hunch is its dedicated blog section. This section allows you to effortlessly organize and showcase your content in a visually appealing way. Whether you want to display your latest blog posts or feature specific categories, Blog Hunch gives you the flexibility to create a seamless and engaging experience for your readers.


Not only can you arrange your content in a way that makes sense for your audience, but you can also customize the design to align with your brand. With Blog Hunch's easy-to-use customization options, you can select the perfect layout, fonts, and color scheme to complement your content and make it truly stand out.


Add a Touch of Uniqueness with Custom Code Integration:


While Blog Hunch provides a range of pre-designed templates and customization features, sometimes you may want to add a unique element to your projects. That's where custom code integration comes in. With this feature, you have the freedom to inject your own HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code directly into your blog posts or pages.



Whether you're a coding enthusiast or just have a specific vision in mind, custom code integration allows you to unleash your creativity and add those special touches that make your content truly unique. From custom animations to interactive elements, the possibilities are endless.


And don't worry if you're not a coding expert. Blog Hunch provides clear documentation and tutorial resources to guide you through the process of adding custom code. So even if you're a beginner, you can still take advantage of this powerful feature and create a truly captivating blog experience.


AI-Powered Content Creation:


One of the best features you will see in Bloghunch is Ai powered content creation, With this features you can easily create Generate Articles in no time.


Built-in Options and Visual Elements:


Another incredible feature of AI-powered content creation is the availability of built-in options and visual elements. These options streamline your content creation process, making it seamless and efficient. With just a few clicks, you can add eye-catching images, videos, charts, and infographics to enhance the visual appeal of your content.



Visual elements are essential in capturing your audience's attention and conveying information effectively. Studies have shown that content with relevant visuals not only receives more engagement but also has a higher chance of being remembered by readers. With AI-powered content creation, you have access to a vast library of visual assets that will elevate the quality and impact of your content.


Integrations with Apps for Enhanced Experience:


To further enhance your content creation experience, AI-powered tools offer seamless integrations with popular apps like UpSlash and GiveFee. These integrations provide you with additional functionalities and resources to take your content to the next level. You can easily collaborate with team members, share drafts for feedback, and access advanced editing and proofreading tools.


The integration with UpSlash allows you to harness the power of AI for in-depth content analysis and optimization. It can help you identify areas of improvement, suggest relevant keywords, and ensure your content is search engine friendly. On the other hand, the integration with GiveFee enables you to effortlessly add call-to-action buttons, donation links, or subscription forms to your content, allowing you to engage your audience and drive conversions.


Engage and Optimize for Success:


Engaging with your visitors is a crucial aspect of running a successful blog. By implementing various features like Facebook Messenger, live chat, pop-ups, and WhatsApp chat, you can create an interactive and personalized experience for your audience.



One way to engage with your visitors is by using Facebook Messenger. This feature allows you to have real-time conversations with your readers, answering their questions, and building a stronger relationship with them. By being accessible and responsive through Facebook Messenger, you can demonstrate your commitment to your audience's needs.


Another engagement tool you can implement is live chat. Live chat enables you to provide immediate support and assistance to your visitors. Whether they have a specific question, need guidance, or simply want to connect with you, the live chat feature allows for direct communication, enhancing the overall user experience.


Pop-ups are another effective method to engage with your visitors. When used strategically and thoughtfully, pop-ups can grab attention and draw visitors' focus to specific content, promotions, or newsletter sign-ups. By offering valuable incentives or information, you can encourage visitors to take action and become more invested in your blog.


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User-Friendly Features and Customization:


When it comes to creating an online presence, having user-friendly features and customization options can make all the difference. Whether you have a personal blog, a professional portfolio, or an e-commerce website, these features can help you attract visitors, engage with them, and leave a lasting impression. Let's explore some of the key features that can enhance your website's user-friendliness and customization.


Visitor Tracking:



Understanding your website's visitors is essential for optimizing your content and user experience. With visitor tracking features, you can gain valuable insights into how people interact with your site. You can monitor their behavior, including which pages they visit, how long they stay, and what actions they take.


By analyzing this data, you can identify patterns, spot areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your website's content, design, and functionality. Visitor tracking provides you with the knowledge you need to make data-driven decisions and enhance the user experience.


Email Subscriptions:


Building an email list is a powerful way to connect with your audience and keep them engaged. With customizable subscription forms, you can make it easy for visitors to sign up for updates, newsletters, or exclusive content. These forms can be integrated seamlessly into your website, allowing you to collect email subscriptions effortlessly.



Customizable subscription forms offer you the flexibility to align them with your website's design while also providing a smooth user experience. You can choose the fields you want to include, decide on the placement of the form, and even personalize the messaging to encourage more sign-ups. Building a strong email list has never been easier.


Custom Domain:


A custom domain adds a professional touch to your website and helps establish your brand identity online. Instead of having a generic URL with a subdomain, such as, you can have a domain that reflects your brand, such as



By connecting your custom domain to your website, you create a cohesive and branded online presence. This not only looks more professional but also helps visitors remember your website and find you easily in search engines. It's a small investment that can make a big difference in how your website is perceived.


Dark and Light Mode:


Personalization is key when it comes to engaging your website visitors. Offering them the option to choose between dark and light mode can enhance their user experience and make it more comfortable for them to browse your site.


With dark and light mode options, visitors can switch between color schemes that suit their preference or even their environment. Dark mode is known for reducing eye strain and improving readability in low-light conditions. Providing this choice shows that you care about your users' preferences and prioritize their comfort while exploring your website.

Blog hunch pricing plans:


Bloghunch has 4 pricing plans starting with a Free plan and ending with The highest Agency plan.


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Bloghunch lifetime deal:


Right now Bloghunch offers multiple tiers of plans at appsumo, starting at just $49, so that you can choose the plan that suits you best.


Lifetime Deal Plans & features:


Deal terms & conditions

  • Lifetime access to BlogHunch
  • All future Premium Plan updates
  • If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates
  • No codes, no stacking—just choose the plan that’s right for you
  • You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
  • Ability to upgrade or downgrade between 3 license tiers
  • Previous AppSumo customers will be grandfathered into the new feature limits


Features included in all plans

  • Sell courses, ebooks, and newsletters
  • App marketplace
  • Built-in newsletters
  • Custom SMTP integration
  • Connect your domain
  • Subdirectory hosting
  • Embed blog anywhere
  • Custom code inject
  • API access
  • Coupon code and discounting system
  • Collect payments with Stripe, PayPal, and Razorpay (No additional transaction fees. Payment gateway transaction fees aplly.)
  • Embed newsletter subscription form anywhere
  • OpenAI Integration



Buy a Lifetime Deal (For a Limited time)

Reviews from Bloghunch users:






frequently asked questions:


1. What is bloghunch?

➢ BlogHunch is a No-Code Creator blogging platform that provides a set of tools that lets you build your website, sell your digital products, and establish a brand online.


2. Who can use BlogHunch?

➢ Anyone who loves to write, create, and influence can use BlogHunch to create, share, and monetize.


3. What kind of content I can create?

➢ You can create any kind of content you want and customize it according to your branding needs. However, categories such as adult content, and gambling are strictly prohibited.


4. Is it free to use BlogHunch?

➢ BlogHunch offers a completely free plan with most of the features to help you get started. Create an account, write unlimited posts, create unlimited pages, start selling digital products, and customize according to your branding needs. The free plan is capped at 2,500 page views per month. Once you are ready to scale feel free to upgrade to the higher tiers without any page views limit.


5. Do i need to download anything?

➢ BlogHunch works in your browser, both on desktop and on mobile for you and your clients. You don't need to download any additional apps - we manage everything on our platform - hosting, payments, and all the other small things that make the experience delightful for you and your clients.




In conclusion, BlogHunch is the ultimate tool for revolutionizing your online presence. With its powerful features, you can create stunning websites, monetize effortlessly, and embed your blog anywhere. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, BlogHunch provides the tools and capabilities you need to take your digital journey to the next level. Maximize your online presence with BlogHunch and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.


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30 November 2023

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